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SATOW Sir Ernest Mason in (ernest) (4)
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SATOW, Sir Ernest Mason
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Author: SATOW (Sir Ernest Mason)
SATOW (Sir Ernest Mason), K.CJK.G. Misce11aneouInstitütions, Societies, etc See JAPAN.! Christian Association of Jpan. [Works published by the Christian Association of Japan. In Japanese. With a bibliography of the Writings of Sir E.M.Satow.J [Tokyo? c. 1923.
Card ID: 349
Author: No Author available
SATOW (Bipt Ron. ir Ernest Mason), K.C.I&J BROOLL (M.) The Chinese eiupire...with a preaoe by the Riit Hon. Sir E. Satow. London, [1907.)
Card ID: 348
SATOW (Right Hon. Sir Ernest Mason), K.C.M.G. International congresses. London, 1920. See ENGLAND. Departments of State and Official Bodies. Foreign Office. Peace handbooks, etc. Vol.23. No.151.
Card ID: 346
SATOW (Right Hon.Sir Ernest Mason), K.C.M.G. LONDON. [ru. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Hak1ytociety [Publications.] Second Series. 5. The Voyage of Captain aohn Saris to Japan, 1613. Sir .M.Satow. London, 1900.
Card ID: 350