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SANDYS, George
Author: SANDYS (George)
•‘N i: SANDYS (George). ‘ 2,2C 7Z The Poetioaj worice of George Sandys, now fir8t collected.. With introduction and. notes by li. Hooper. (library of_QJ4uthors.) 2 vole. Portrait. 8. Iondo 1672.
Card ID: 421
C’ 0c j SANDYS (George). Anglorurn speculunr or, the Worthies of England, Abridged from Fuller’s history of the worthies of Eng1nd.-- The prface is signed G.S, i.e. G.Sandys.] Lon1on, 1684. , S., G.
Card ID: 422
e 8tco SOCIETY fliO 4t- SANDYS (George). Sandys Travailes: containing a history of tI originall and present state of the Turkish Enipire...of Aegypt...of the Holy Land... Lastly, Italy described, and the islands - adjoyiiing...i.llustrated with fifty graven maps and figures. The Lift edition. pp. (4) + 240. •fol. London, 1652. Wit h a second egraved title—page reading: A relation of a iourney begun A.Dom. 161Q, etc. ISEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 425
SANDYS (George). See BOWERS (Predson .) and DAVIS (Richard B.) George Sandys: a bibliographical catalogue of printed editions in England to 1700. New York, 1950.
Card ID: 427
SANDYS (George). See DAVES (Riohard Be1e). George Sandys, poet-adventurer: a study in An1o-Amerioan culture in the seventeenth century. London, 1955.
Card ID: 428
SANDYS (George). See GROOT (H. de). [Christus Patiens.j Christs Passion: a tragedy. ‘,Vith annotations. [Translated by CL Sandys.] Lqpdoi, 1640.
Card ID: 429