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SANDS William Alexander a:sands william alexander|k:it (william) (2)
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SANDS, William Alexander
Author: SANDS (William Alexander)
DEPQSTORY SANDS (William Alexander). A Revision of the termite subfamily Nesuti— termitinae soptera, Termitida from the Ethiopian region. (Bulletin of the British Museum Natural History7. Entoithjor, Supplement ‘i.) pp. 172. Bibliography, illustrations, maps and ta, 8°. London, 1965. \
Card ID: 397
EPOSaTORY SANDS (William Alexander). The Soiclierless termites of Africa tsoptera: Terrnitidae). . .9 plates, 661 text figures. (Bulletin of the British Mtiseu.’n (Iatura1 History). itcmo1. Supplement 18.,) pp. 21114.. London, 1972.
Card ID: 398