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SANDS Percy cooper a:p will|k:p (will) (2)
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SANDS, Percy cooper
SANDS, Percy Cooper and HAWORTh(Christopher Matthew
Author: SANDS (Percy cooper)
Lm San SANDS (Percy cooper). The Client princes of the Ransn npire under the Republic. [Reprint of the 1908 editii, published by the University Press, Carnbride, which was issued as no. 16 of Cambridge Historical Essays.] (p_?rss Coilection: Rc*n History-.) ppxi, 22. New York, 1975.
Card ID: 394
Author: SANDS (Percy Cooper) and HAWORTh(Christopher Matthew)
SANDS (Percy Cooper) and HAWORTh(Christopher Matthew) A Uistory of Pocklington School, East YokUro, .1514-1950,. pp, ., .l4. Portraits, plates. illustration and table. 80 I,ondon and Hull, 1951.
Card ID: 395