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SANDERS, Lloyd Charles
LCW, Sir Sidney James Mark
Author: SANDERS (Lloyd Charles)
L SANDERS (Lloyd Charles). See LOW (Sir Sidney J.M) and SANDERS (L.C.). The History of England during the reign of Victoria, 1837—1901. London, 1907. Fourth impression. London, 191.
Card ID: 181
SANDERS (Lloyd Charles). Old Kew, Chiswick and Kensington, etc. pp. xviii. -t (2) + 302. Portraits arid plates. / 8°. LQndon, 191/0.
Card ID: 179
F1•• J SANDERS (Lloyd Charles). Patron and place—hunter: a study I’ George Bubb Dodington, Lord Melconibe. . .With.. .illustrat— ions Land a bibliography). pp. xlv. ÷ (2) ÷ 294 80. London and New York,1919.
Card ID: 180
Author: LCW (Sir Sidney James Mark)
LCW (Sir Sidney James Mark) and SANDERS.(Lloyd Charles). The History of igland during the rcign of Victoria, 1837—’901. [With a bibliography.) (The Political History of En1and, 12.) pp. xviii. + 532. Folded aps. 8°. London, 1907. MJSC - ourtb impression. pp. xviii. + 532. Folded map. 8°. London, 1913.
Card ID: 44