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SAINTSBURY George Edward Batemn a:at ernest|k:at (ernest) (1)
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SAINTSBURY, George Edward Batemn
Author: SAINTSBURY (George Edward Batemn)
Yo Sc SAINTSBURY (George Edward Batemn). Miscellaneous essays. pp. xi. + (3) + 429. 0 8 . Londo,, 1892. Contents:— English prose style. Chanifort aaic Rivarol_ Modern nglih prose. Ernest Renan. Thoughts On republics. - Saint-Evrernond. Chai Baudelaire. - The Young England rnovennt.. A Paradox oj Quinet. The Contrasts of English and French literature. APrameof mitures: ?ary, VadPiron, Panard. The Present state ofEnlish novel.
Card ID: 415