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SAGE Alain René a:l ‘/i|k:l (‘i) (4)



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    Author: SAGE (Alain René)


    - -i,— IE SAGE (Alain René). cEuvres d.e le Sage. 12 vols. Frontispiece. 8°. Paris, 1821. 1. Le Diable boiteux. 2-s. Gil Bias. 4. Aventures dii Chevalier do Beauehne. 5. Guzman d’Alfaraohe. 6. Le Bachelier do Salamanque. 7. Estevanille Gonzalez. 8-9. Roland l’ainotzreux. Nouvelles aventures do Don Quichotte. Premire partie.

    Card ID: 343

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    Author: SAGE (Alain René)


    XrP LB SAGE (Alain René). Gi1 Bias. -English.] 9 The Adventures of Gil Bias of Santillane. Translated from the T. Smollett. A new edition, carefully revised. With... line engravings after Sinirke, and...etchings by 0. Cruikshank. pp. xii. + 6oo. Plates. 8°. London, 1859.

    Card ID: 363

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    Author: SAGE (Alain René)


    LE SAGE (Alain René). Thrcaret: comédie (in five acts and in prose). See FRENCH THEATRE. Théâtre frangois, . Vol. 11. pp. 567—540. Paris, 1757.

    Card ID: 370

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    Author: SAGE (Alain René)


    XPIi cSScE LE SAGE (Alain René). See FERNtdDEZ DE AVELLANEDA (Alonso), seud. A Continuation of the history and adventures of the renowzied Don Quixote de la Mancha [of Cervantes]...Translated into English [from the French version o A.R.Le Sage] by ‘Ti.A.Yardley. London, 1784.

    Card ID: 374