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SACHEVERELL Henry a:l henry|k:l (henry) (6)
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Author: SACHEVERELL(Henry)
Ci’t- SACHEVERELL(Henry). IThe Perils of False Brethren - ADyeQdjx, j See AMINADAB. Iminadab; or, the Quaker’s vision. [A satirical tract, in defence of Henry Sacheverell’s sermon entitled, The perils of false brethren,] j7O.
Card ID: 426
Author: SACHEVERELL (Henry)
fM’1 P0 Sc SACHEVERELL (Henry). [Appendix,) An Impartial account of what pass’d most remarkable in the last session of Parliament, relating to the case of Dr, Henry Sacheverell, pp. 16. Portrait. fol. Llondon], 1710.
Card ID: 429
- M\’PO Sc SACHEVERELL (Henry). lAppendix.) %C The Tryal of Dr. Henry Sacheverell before the House of Peers, for high crimes and mis-. demeanors, upon an impeachment by the knights, citizens and burgesses in Parliament assembled... Begun in Westminster—Hall the 27th day of February 1709/10, and. ..continu’d.. .until the 23d day of March following. Published by order of the House of Peers. pp. (4) + 327. Frontispie C. Lol. London, 1710.
Card ID: 432
•f ii’rPo SAC SACHEVERELL (Henry). BtJBNET (G.), Bishop of Salisbury. [Minor Works.J The Bishop of Salisbury’s and the Bishop of Oxford’s speeches in the House of Lords on the first article of impeachment of Dr. Henry Sacheverell, and also the Bishop of Lincoln’s and Bishop of Norwich’s speeches at the opening of the second article of the said impeachment. London, 1710.
Card ID: 434
-Friyo SACHEVERELL (Henry) See ENGLAND. Parliament. House of Commons. Lists — of Members. An Exact li8t of the rnembers of the Honourable House of Gommons, for England and Wales, who, in some or otier of the Questions upon the impeachment of Dr.Henry Sacheverell for high crimes and misdemeanors, voted for and against him. [London], 1710.
Card ID: 439
SACHEVERELL (Henry). §. NEW YORK. Columbia University. Studies in history, economics and public law. No. L1.56. SCUDI (Abbie Turner). The Sachevere].l affair. New York and London, 1939.
Card ID: 442