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SAAVEDRA Miguel de a:on michael|k:a (michael) (2)
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SAAVEDRA, Miguel de
SISCAR, Gregorio
Author: SAAVEDRA (Miguel de)
Fc cs- ‘t q-a CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (Miguel de). [Don Quixote. - En1ish. Jar1isls Translationj’ The Life and exploits of the ingenious gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated from the original C.Jarvis. (The Life of Michael de Cervantes Saavedra, written by Don Gregorio Mayáns & Siscár. . .Translated.. .by Mr. Ozell.) [With illustrations by J.Vanderbank.] 2 vols. [G.G.] 4°. London, 1742. The Life has a separate titlepage dated 1758. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 70
Author: SISCAR (Gregorio)
ç NAXANS Y SISCAR (Gregorio). The Life of Michael de Cervantes Saavedra...Trans— lated from the Mr.Ozell. See CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (Miguel de). [Don Quixote. — English. — Jarvis’s Translation.] The Life and ecploits of...Don Quixote de la i4ancha. Translated. . . by C .Jarvis. London, 1742.
Card ID: 544