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SAAVEDRA Miguel de a:l ‘/i|k:l (‘i) (60)



  • card

    Author: SAAVEDRA (Miguel de)


    I c654 - CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (Miguel de). [Works.j Obras completas de Cervantes Saaved.ra... Edici6n publicada por R.Schevill y A.Bonilla. 18 vols. 80 Madrid. 1914—41. The “Rese sucinta e la vida de Cervantes” was never oublished. ItCedjas r entrenesès” Vols. 3 and 4 form cart of the Semicentennial Publications f the University of California.

    Card ID: 35

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    Author: SAAVEDRA (Miguel de )


    •::* e[cm socj CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (Miguel de ). •[Shiaiiè Céi.ectiom Sanish.] La Galatea, dividida en seis libros. Compuesta por M. de Cervantes Saavedra. Va afiadido e]. Viage del Parnaso del mismo autor. 2 pts. in 1 vol. IL. I.) 8°. luadrid, 1736.

    Card ID: 37

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    Author: SAAVEDRA (Miguel de)


    XPM C55E 772 Reference only CERvA1T SAAVEDRA (Miguel de). (Sn.iler Collections.- Spenish.] La Galatca, divida en seis libros, coznpuesta por Miguel d,e Cervantes Saavedre. Vs. aadido El Viage del Parnaso, del mimo autor. ppJ3l. Madrid, 1772.

    Card ID: 38

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    Author: SAAVEDRA (Miguel de)


    CL CFRViTES SAAVEDRA (Miguel de). [Nove1asEjerp].a’es. Smaller Collections. — Enpljsh,j Three exemplary nove1s,..TrslatedEt an introduction and notes] by S.Putnam. Illustrated by L.Quintanilla. pp. xix. + 232. 50• London, 1952.

    Card ID: 41

  • card

    Author: SAAVEDRA (Miguel de)


    CVANTES SAAVEDRA (Miguel de). [Don Quixote.) Cards under this heading are arranged in the followiiig order: Toxts Abridgments Extracts Concordances Appendix Spurious Continuations, Adaptations, Imitations, etc. Bibliography Criticism Pictorial Illustrations Miscellaneous

    Card ID: 42

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    Author: SAAVEDRA (Miguel de)


    - CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (Miguel de). [Don Quixote. — Spanish. — Part I. Don Quijote de l Mancha. Kritlsche Ausgabe mit Koniiientar...besorgt von A.fNme1. fIalle—on-the—Saale, 1925-26. FOERSTER (Wendelin). Romanische Bibliothek, . 2, 24.

    Card ID: 46

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    Author: SAAVEDRA (Miguel de)


    DEPOS1TOR\ CERVANTJiS SAAVEDRA (Miguel de). [Don Quixote. - 3paniS. — PartsI.., II.] El Ingenioso hidalgo Don Qiijote do la Mancha... Couientado por D ClemencIn. 6 vols. ortr. 8°. Madrid, 1833—39. fndice de las notas de D. Clemencn en su edicidn de el Ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha (Madrid, 1853_39...con,.. referencias pasajes obscüros y dificultosos del texto, y la Historia de la literatura espafiola de Mr. Ticknor (edicióri de 1863...) For C.F. Bradford. pp. Xii. + 608. 8°. Madrid, 1885. [see microfiche catalogue)

    Card ID: 51

  • card

    Author: SAAVEDRA (Miguel de)


    ‘] ?cL(lcNc\S” ELIOT - PHELIPS pg,, - COLLECTION CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (Miguel de). f Do Quixote. — panish. — Partsl., iI.1 El Ingenioso hidalgo Don Quiote de la ?ancha ...Comentado por DClemencin. (Blblioteca Clsica, Vols. 180—187.) 8 vols. 8°• Madrid, 1894.

    Card ID: 55

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    Author: SAAVEDRA (Miguel de)


    Fc cs- ‘t q-a CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (Miguel de). [Don Quixote. - En1ish. Jar1isls Translationj’ The Life and exploits of the ingenious gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated from the original C.Jarvis. (The Life of Michael de Cervantes Saavedra, written by Don Gregorio Mayáns & Siscár. . .Translated.. .by Mr. Ozell.) [With illustrations by J.Vanderbank.] 2 vols. [G.G.] 4°. London, 1742. The Life has a separate titlepage dated 1758. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 70

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    Author: SAAVEDRA (Miguel de)


    XP1v’ C’A CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (Miguel de)+ [Don Quixote.— English.—Jarvis’s Translation.] The Life and exploits of the ingenous gentleman Don Quixote de la Manoha. Translated from the original Spanish... by C.Jarvis. Now carefully revised and corrected. To which is prefixed a life of the author. Embellished with engravings. 2 vole. Folded map. [L.i.] 8. London, 1809. With a second, engraved titlepage to each v1ume.

    Card ID: 72

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    Author: SAAVEDRA (Miguel de)


    STERLiNG LI3RARY --‘ SAAVEDRA (Miguel de). [Don Quixote .-gjjsh. Ljscel1aneous Tislations.J Don Quixote de La Mancha. Translated from the Spanish [by M. Smiikej...With engravings from pictures painted by R. Smirke. (Memoirs of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.) 4 völs. 8°. London, i8i8. Extra—illustrated by the insertion of a series of coloured en±airins by John Heavijide Clark, dated 181g. 3.1.0., IV.233.

    Card ID: 82

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    Author: SAAVEDRA (Miguel de)


    CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (Miguel de). [Don Quixote. — French. — Filleau de Saint—MartLnTs Translation. :i Histoire de l’admirable Don Quichotte de la Manche, tradulte de l’espagnol [by F.Filleau de Saint—Martin].. . Nouvelle 6dition, revf1, corrige & augmerit4e. 6 vols. p1ate. 129 Paris, 1722.

    Card ID: 85