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S, William Jervis
JERVIS, William Henley
Author: S (William Jervis)
xvo Jon JON!S (William Jervis). A Lexicon of French borrowingá th the Gernn vocabulary, 15751th8. (Studia Lingul stica Gerix.nica, 12.) pp. viii, 69. Bibi. Berlin and New York, 1976.
Card ID: 89
Author: JERVIS (William Henley)
PEARSON, afterwards JERVIS (William Henley). A History of Wraaice froza the earliest, times + the fail of the Second Empire in 187O. Thoroih.ty revised and in great part i’s— wt’itten by A. Hassall, with a chapter on ancient Gaul by F. Haverfield. With.. znp9 and 0e2gravings. Nw impressiQn. [With a bibliograpby.] (The Student’s Manuals.) pp. x. + 707. 8°. Londor, 1902.
Card ID: 595
Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)
o- ‘- SHAKESPEARE (William). [Appendix.— Criticism.) See JERVIS (Swynfen). Proposed emendations of the text of Shakapear&e plays, with confirmatory arid illustrative passages from the poet’s works and those of his contemporaries. London, 1860.
Card ID: 253