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S Timothy John a:be john|k:are (john) (5)
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S, Timothy John
NT, Francis end FLE’IVHER, John
No Author available
Author: S (Timothy John)
Soy kVA1S (Timothy John). See 1CNEDY (Ludovic H.C.) Ten Riilington. Place. [An account of the tria1 for murder of T.J.Evns nd J.R.H.Christie.J ondcn, 1961.
Card ID: 150
Author: NT (Francis) end FLE’IVHER (John)
Dra BEAU)’)NT (Francis) end FLE’IVHER (John), Drsmatist, rme 1Id’s Tragedy. - Appendix. 1 e DRAKE (George). George Drake: Annotated bibliography for a life of Algernon Percy, 10th Ferl of Northumberland; Timothy Fuller: On Ilobbes and [the] idea of cultivating the self; Robert D. hJiney: Concepts of English foreign policy, 1689-1697; Mark Stavig: Spectacle, satire and seriousness in Bea’innont and Fletcher’ s ‘The ma’s tragedy’. Colorado Springs, 1975. -
Card ID: 278
Author: No Author available
h’’. u HOLAES (Timothy). Introductory a.ddres s delivered. . . on the oentenry of John Himter’s death. pp. 80. 80 London,, 1893.
Card ID: 208
Yo S818a Ml 1.)NS (Arthur). A Stu&y In the fantastic: (Ount S nislaus ic Stcnbocc). See ADIA.BJ) (John). Stenbock, Yeats and the Nineties...With an hitherto unpublished essay on Stenbock by Arthur Syimns and a bibliography by Timothy d ‘Arch Smith • pp. 89-9k. london, 1969.
Card ID: 158
BIBLE. New Testament. [Separate Books.] The entries un&r the separate books of the New Testament nra arranged in the following order:] Matthew. Mark. Luke. John. Rorns. Corinthians i & II. Gala tians. Ephe s ians. Philippians. Colossians. Thessalonians I & II. Timothy I & II. Titus. Philemon. Hebreus. Ja n s. Peter I & II. John I.’III. Jide. avelation.
Card ID: 173