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S Thoias John to (john) (5)
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S, Thoias John
NOTT, John
ALTKAUS, iedrch
No Author available
Author: S (Thoias John)
Malcolm Morley 2’ Collect*o — I WILLIP1I4S (Thoias John). An Ugly custocer: a farce, in one act. n. d. Malcolm Morley —[A reprint.) Collection n.d. L&CY (ThcxDas Ha.iles), Lacy’s (French’s) acting edition, 726.
Card ID: 48
Author: NOTT (John)
-I NOTT (John), of Bristol. DIKER (Thoias). [The Gull’s florn—Boo1t.] The Gull’s hornbook, (Reprinted, with notes of illustration by J.N. [i.e. i.Not].) Bzistoi, 1812.
Card ID: 45
Author: ALTKAUS (iedr1ch)
N C225E 97b ALTKAUS (iedr1ch). Thonas Carlyle: a bio-ahica1 an literary poItiait. Trans late front the German, with Thonias Carlyle ‘s notes. See CARIXLE (Thoias). (Smaller Collections. I T’jo reminiscences of Thontas Carlyle... Edited by John Clubbe. pp.1-122. London, 197L
Card ID: 213
Author: No Author available
KINGSTON .(ONTARIO). Lectuz’es o. the Chancellor Dunhing Trust. Volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors.] - 1. JESSOP (Thoias E.) Freedom of the individual in society. 1948. 2. dAMTJRRILY (John). Conditions of freedom. 1949 3. BUTTERFTELD ferbert). Liberty in the modern worTh. 1952. 4. LIVINGSTONE ( Richard L) Education and the spirit of the age. 1952. 5. siTH (Thomas v.) Man’s threefold will to freedom. 1955. SEE CARD.
Card ID: 211
t.a:: ?ILSON (Thoias), qaster of St.CitzarLne’s Hospital. The Art.e of ihetorike, for the use of all sutche as are studious of e1ouenco...new1y set foorthe... with a prologue o the reader, etc. pp.(16) + + (11). . [QJcL.J 8°. 10Pm ‘(Lnston: London, 18O. COLLTIOR: — A — P3, ‘ 3 u umberod leaves • 225 ered sages • 5 unnu— bered Leaves. %fi) title; (1)0baak; (2)’— (8)C dcdioatory epistle to John lidley earl arwiok; (4) — (i)’ prologue to tb readorD dated 7 Deocebor i5 (Sb— (7) pre(a00 (8)b Latin vvrses by Walter Hadon an Thoaaa wilson; (8)0 blank; — t121)a, p.i—22S, the work; (121) — (i2)b the index. Bound with the unjforim edition of the Autnor’s work: The RuLe of recison. Printed in black letter and italiC, with soac headings in Rosan letter. woodOu border round the title is si.iie to that of Kingston’s edition of ifle Rule of Reason,’1O. £3 NEXT CARD)
Card ID: 189