
Search Term (count):

S Samuel a:p |k:p (will) (7)



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    Author: S (Samuel)


    Rwbb - wwr LYSO?S (Samuel), M.A. The Model merchant of the Middle Ages exemplified in the story of Whittington and his cat: being anattempt to rescue that interestiag story from the reg.on of fable and to place it in its proper position in the legitimate history of this country. [With a bibliography.] pp. 95. Portrait, olatesad_tabi. 8°. London and G1ucçster, 1860.

    Card ID: 453

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    Author: S( (Samuel)


    S( (Samuel). An Essay on the harmony, variety and power of numbers, 171j5. lith an introduction by P.?ussell. Los Angeles, 1956. AUGUS’f PPRIi1T SOCL.r!. Publications, 55.

    Card ID: 565

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    Author: S (Samuel)


    [Aa1- S1•dTIL!S (Samuel), LL.L. t,ives of Boulton and Watt. Prinoipally from the..Soho MSS., oonprising also a history of the invention and introduotion of the stean-enine0.. Second edition, pp. ÷ 52L Plates aI illustrations. rL.!.] 80 tjdfl 1866. I Another coy).-]1 .L. TCA4 &] t LI:’lk’ - A’i&eher copy.] BJ (° Ls rJ-)

    Card ID: 257

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    Author: S (Samuel)


    MU3 Tyrn TYZ46S (Samuel). The Fwily topographer; being . compendious account of the antient add present state of the countIes of England. 7 vols. Bibliographies, maps and tables. 8 . London, 1852-k). 1. Home circuit. 1832. 2. Western circuit. 18)2. 3. Norfolk circuit. 1835. Oxford circuit. i83. 5. MidJ.and circuit. 1835. 6. Northern circuit. 1837. 7. Middlesex, London and Westminster. 18k).

    Card ID: 483

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    Author: ORLAND (S Samuel)


    1ORLAND (S Samuel), Bart. The Doctrine of interest, both simple & compound, explained...Therein the errors of the ordinary tables of rebate for annuities at simple interest are discovered and rectified. As likewise, equation of payments made practicable and useful, . pp. (48) + 203. [De M.] 8°. LondQn, 1679, Bound in black morocco binding Qf he 17th century, inthi style of Samuel Mearnc. Bindings Catalogue No. 12.

    Card ID: 380

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    Author: SWIITNICE(S (Samuel)


    SWIITNICE(S (Samuel). HINDLEY (Charles), of Boosdllers’ Row, Strand,. The Old book collector’s miscellany, Vol. 3. (Jackson’s Recantation, [published by S.Swiftnicks.] London 1873.

    Card ID: 512

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    Author: RICHARDSON (Samuel), re]i,s t See DUDLEY (Eveline)


    RICHARDSON (Samuel), re]i,s t See DUDLEY (Eveline). Samuel Richardson: a bihliography. 1938.

    Card ID: 606