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S, Richard Monckton
MILNES, Richard Monckton
Author: S (Richard Monckton)
&I MILN3S (Richard Monckton), Baron Houiton. LONDON. [III.) Philobiblon Society. Bibliographical and historical miscellanies. Vol.1. (Private letters from the Earl of Strafford to his third wife. [Edited by R.M. Mimes.]) London, 1854.
Card ID: 202
Author: MILNES (Richard Monckton)
1’f (cc MILNES (Richard Monckton), Baron Houghton See LONDON. [III.] Philobibj.onSocl.eby. Bib1iogrphical arid histoica1 transactIons. Vol. 2. (Doswelliana. [Extracts from ooirnuonpj.ace boolc. The editor’s foreword signed R.M.M. i.e. R.M.Milnes, Baron Houghton. LORdQU, 1855—56.
Card ID: 208