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S, Paul Geoffrey
FISHER, Geoffrey Francis
No Author available
Author: S (Paul Geoffrey)
XYE 06 978 1ARrS (Paul Geoffrey). See OcNEYM1. [iglish.) Orlmeyinga saga: the history of the Er1a of Orkney. Translated fran the Ice]andic and introduced by Henn Palsson and Paul Edwards. London, 1978.
Card ID: 422
Author: FISHER (Geoffrey Francis)
on Fisher of Lambeth, FISHER (Geoffrey Francis), succassivly Bishop sf— Ctr -‘f Lgpdon Archbish of Canterbury. The Challenge of a new reign: an address given at the service of thanksgiving for the life and example of his late Majesty King George VI.... St. Paul’s Cathedral, Sunday February 17, 1952. pp. (4). o . Lonon, [1952.
Card ID: 80
Author: No Author available
I ‘.o ‘ • — ccj 2. V.- f KEYNES (Sir Geoffrey Langdon). Bibliography of’ the works of Dr. John Donne, Dean of St. Paul’s. [Continued.) volume. It has the author’s signature on the wrapper and his MS. corrections in the text. ————-Third edition. pp. xviii. + 285. Portraits and facsimiles. Cambridge, 1958. - iii ——Foiirth edition. pp. x, 400. Porta. and facsimi1es. Oxford, 1973.
Card ID: 397
STERLING LIBRARY [S.L.] UI. [Nonesuch Press - 1923] REFERENC O”V DOE (JohnT, Dean of St. Paul’s. Paradoxes aml problemes. . .with two Characfters ai an Essar of Valour. Now for the first time reprinted from the editions of 1633 aM 1652 with one additionaJ. probleme. [Edited by Geoffrey Keynes.] pp. viii, 80. 12° Nonesuch Press: London, 1923. No1 123 of an edition of 645 copies.
Card ID: 530