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S John Jay a:be john|k:to (john) (4)



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    Author: S (John Jay)


    flip Hug HILI2S (John Jay). Absolutely null and utterly void: the papal condemnation of Anglican orders, 1896. pp. xvii, 3147. Bibliography, portraits and fact imiles. 8°. London and Sydney, 1968.

    Card ID: 168

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    Author: JAY (John)


    JAY (John). Governor of the State ot New York. See LOUISVILLE (KENTUCKY). F’ilson Club. [Publications.] 36. Our first great west in revolutionary war, diplomacy and politics. How it was won in war and politics under Virginia’s lead, and under John Jay’s in diplomacy. Louisville, 1938.

    Card ID: 371

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    Author: No Author available


    P1R.V’ -/?3 LOUISVILLE (KNPUCKY). Filson Club. [Publications.1 36. Our first great west in revolutionary war, diplomacy and polities. How it was won in war and politics under Virginia’s lead, and under John Jay’s in diplomacy. By T. Bodley. pp. (8) + iv. ÷ 321. Plates and maps. 8°. Louisvifle, 1938.

    Card ID: 343

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    Author: No Author available


    Kc’.’s’. HANITILON (Aloxunder), General Th the Service of the United States. The Federalist: a couentary on the Const±tution of the ited States. ing a coflection of essays written in srpport of the Constitution agreed upon Septen±er 17, 1787 by the Federal Convention. Reprinted from the original text Of Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, ni James bdison. Eiited by Henry Cbot lodge. With an Introduction by (lanes W. Pierson • pp. lix, 586. New York and london, (13 .

    Card ID: 121