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S Jane a:in john|k:in (john) (22)



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    Author: S (Jane)


    53 RAE / Ad4 ADDA)4S (Jane). Democracy and. social ethics. [Photographic facsimile of a 1907 copyj...Editec3. by A.F. Scott. (The John Harvard Library.) pp • lxxvii • + 281. 80. OambricLge, Mass., 1951..

    Card ID: 446

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    Author: AUSEN (Jane)


    (M Cr-c ‘) AUSEN (Jane). lAppendix.) See HUBBACK (Sir John A.) The Parents in Jane Austen’s novels. [Kenley, privately printed, 1960).

    Card ID: 207

  • card

    Author: N (Jane)


    t’\ (A N 0 Aus 1-Li AUST]N (Jane). (Appendix.] See HTJBACK (John H.) and (Edith C.) Jane Austen’s sailor brothers: being trie adventures of Sir Francis Austen, G.C.B., Admiral of the Fleet, and Rear—Admiral Cha1les Austen. London and New York, 1906.

    Card ID: 208

  • card

    Author: WHARTON (John Jane Smith)


    WHARTON (John Jane Smith). Wharton’s Law lexicon, forming an epitome of the laws of -igland under statute and case law, and containing explanations of technical terms and phiases ancient, modern, and commercial, with selected titles relating to the civil, Scots, and Indian law Fourteenth edition br A.S.Oppé. pp. viii. + io8i. 8°. London, 1938.

    Card ID: 171

  • card

    Author: BRONE (Eniily Jane)


    STELING LIBRARY REFEFENCE ONLY BRONE (Eniily Jane). § POW(S (John Cowper). Essays on Emily Bronbe, ete. Girard, Kansas., 1923. I

    Card ID: 100

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    Author: COAT (John)


    Y14 A94WP 973 COAT (John), Novelist. See AUSTW (Jane). [The Watsons.] The Watsona: Jane Austen’s fragment, continued and completed by John Coates. Westport, Conn., 1973.

    Card ID: 233

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    Author: TAYLOR (John William anGorn)


    TAYLOR (John William anGorn). See JANE (Frederick T.) Jane’s All the world1s aircraft, 1956— 57Compi1ed and edited by L.Bridgman. Assistant compiler: J.W.R.Taylor. London, [1956].

    Card ID: 526

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    Author: BROUGHAM (John)


    Malcolm Morley, - Collection BROUGHAM (John), Comedian. - Jane Zyre a drama in five acts. Adapted from C.Bronte’s novel. i: 1883.) DICKS (fohn). Dicks’ Standard Plays, 400.

    Card ID: 230

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    Author: AUSTEN (Charles John)


    ur c AUS AUSTEN (Charles John). See HIJEBACK (John H.) end (Edith C.) Jane Austen’s sailor brothers: being the adventures of Sir Francis Austen, G.C.B., Admiral of the Fleet, and Rear— Admiral Charles Austen. London and New York, 1906.

    Card ID: 157

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    Author: BL (John)


    YBL Bel - eference only BL (John), Bookseller. Bell’s British theatre, etc. [Continued.] 1. Zara, by Aaron Hill, Esq. Venice preserved, by Mr. T. Otway. Jane Shore, by N. Rowe, Eaq. Siege of Daiascua, by Mr. Hughes. Distressed nother, by Mr. A. Philips. 1776. 2 The Provok’d wife, by Sir J. Vanbrui. Every man in his humour, by Ben Jonson. The Beaux stratagem, by G. Farquhar, Esq. The Old batchelor, by W. Congreve, Esq. The Comriittee, by Sir. R. Itoward. 1777. [SES NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 136

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    Author: HUBBACK (John flenry)aid (Edith Charlotte)


    AAS HUBBACK (John flenry)aid (Edith Charlotte). Jane Austen’s sailor brothers: being the adventures Qf Sir Frncis Ii1uten, G.C.B, Admiral of tbe Fleet, and Rear—Admiral Charles Austen. pp. xiv. + 293. Portraits, plates azid facsimiles. 8. London and New york, 1906.

    Card ID: 30

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    Author: No Author available


    YM A94WP 973 AUSTi (Jane). [The Watsons.] The Watsons: Jane Austen’s fragment, continued and completed by John Coates. (Oriina1ly published in 1958.) pp. 318. Westport, Conn., 1973.

    Card ID: 189