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S Jan a:s !am1sh|k:0617 (5)



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    Author: S (Jan)


    UR )Gai icuiiflS (Jan). Zeitlose Zeit: die Geschicthte der deutsehen Kurzes chichtgf ors chung, etc. [Thesis: University of Loyden.] pp. 161i.. Bibi. Groningen, 1970.

    Card ID: 109

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    Author: JACOB (Jan Carel s’)


    t37 JACOB (Jan Carel s’). Anorganisohe besohadigingen bij Pisuni sativimi L. en Phaseolus vulgaris L, etc. [With a bibliography. Doctoral dissertation submitted to the University of Utreoht.J pp. viii. + 11?. Plates, dieram, charts and tables. g0, Baarn, 192?.

    Card ID: 217

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    Author: S (Ednind Jan)


    JA1S (Ednind Jan).. The Origin of the Land Giant Act of 1862 - the so—ualled Morrill Act — arid some aoaouht of -its author, J. B. TurneD. ‘tJrbaOhapain.. (Ill. J, 1910. See URBANA. University of flhinois. The Univ ersity Studi e $ • Vo 1 • 1V. No. 1.

    Card ID: 131

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    Author: S (Jan Frans)


    SfLo1j WILLE1S (Jan Frans). See LEFRANCQ (Paul). “Rhythmus teutorii Cu S1t ou “Ludwigsii ed”? De la découverte de Mabillon (Saint— Amand’ 1672> h celle d’Hoffmann von Fallesleben . [With A.H.Hoffmann von Fallersieben’s transcription of the Old High German text of the poem, reprinted from his ttElnonensj.&t, a modern German translation, and the Flemish and French versions of J.F.Wi11 ems.) Paris, 1945.

    Card ID: 122

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    Author: S (‘viillem Jacob) and WASZINK (Jan [{endrik)


    vERriiuS (‘viillem Jacob) and WASZINK (Jan [{endrik). Phiosophia antiqua, etc. [Continued.] 30. BALTES (Matthiai3). Die Weltentstehung des Platoniachen Timaioa nach den antiken Interpreten. Vol. 1. i976. ‘ /‘L 31, GALUS (Claudius). [De Captionibus. — Greek and English.J Galen on language and ambiguity: an English translation of Galen’s ‘De captionibus ‘. With introduction, text and comnentary by Robert Blair Edlow. 1977. )(FL 32. WELLIV (Warrnan). Character, plot and thought in Platos Timaeus—Critias. 1977. WA. 33. BO)FT (J. den). CaJ.cidjus on demons Commentarius4j4j Oh. 127—136 . CMA [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 352