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S James David a:s james david|k:on (david) (2)



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    Author: S (James David)


    1 FORB1S (James David). On the alleged evidence for a physical oonnexion between stars forming binary or multiple groups, arising from their proximity alone. From the London, idinburgh and Dublin Philosophical iagazine nd Journal of Science for August, 1849. pp. 2. [De M.) 8. [London), 1849. Catalogued. fron the caption.

    Card ID: 79

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    Author: S (James David)


    DEPOSITQR’( FORB1S (James David) rave1s through the Alps of Savoy and other parts of the Pennine Chain. With observations on the pheno:ena of 1aoiers. pp. x. ÷ 424. Plates, illust,rations and folded mat. CL. I.) 80. Edinburh and London, 1843. —New edition, revised and annotated by W. A. B. Coolidge. With portrait, new maps, and... illustrations and diagrams. pp. xxxviii. + 572. 0 8 . London, 1900. [SEE NEXT CARD.:

    Card ID: 83