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S Guillavize de a:e •|k:e (or) (1)



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    Author: S (Guillavize de)


    SALUSfl DU 1S (Guillavize de) Dii Bartas, bis deuine eekes and workes [COIINuDJ:_ Judith, in forte of a Sahust.., ng1ished by T. Hudson, etc.) pp.(32) + 819 + (32) • (14) + 87 + (8). Woodcut. 6°. 1/. Lownes: London, 1613. LLATI0ti—. A — z, A — Zz, Aaa — e4.8, Rrr4. 1ith tcoedcuttitlpagc, portrait of:Pu-Bertac, illustrQtion The triumph of fait) bead-ana ti1—picceid printeza device. 1bi devicc.coniete of-a .uaic fraygo.with a’etar-in-the centre ithin-..n oval,-round hich.iz tho !netto: rOL; howini eubline dedit, witht)einitia1e H.t. gtthe aidco, tho:erne of the Statieoers’ Coajiy below.and he arne of the City of London ebovc. The rrint ahowa the vertjoa1orack-hioh appeared on the block,abvut 1584. The dovioo belonged origina11yto cnry Dunhan (15O—89) from.vihon it aecodin 15S9 to Richard Yardiey.and Peter Short. AlterShort’e death-in 1608 hie etorin1a were used by lOWnBB. [SEE I4EXT CiRDJ

    Card ID: 316