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S, Gertrude
S, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Author: S (Gertrude)
SCHOEPFRLE, afterwards LOOI1tS (Gertrude) Tristan and Isolt: a study of the sources of the rornance.(lew York Un&versity. Otbendorfer Memora1 eries of Germanic Monographs. 3, 4.) 2 vols. in 1. 8°. Fzankfurt and London, 1913. Second edition, expanded by a bibliograpby and critical essay on Tristan scholarship since 1912, by R.S,Loomis. 2 vole. 8°. ew York, 1960. The pagination nntiiouS throughout in both editions.
Card ID: 199
Author: S (Gertrude Margaret Lowthian)
BELtS (Gertrude Margaret Lowthian). See BURGOYNE (Elizabeth). Gertrude Bell, from her personal papers. London, 1958—1.
Card ID: 83