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RYLE John Alfred an (john) (3)
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RYLE, John Alfred
Author: RYLE (John Alfred)
RYLE (John Alfred). The Aims and methods of medIcal science: an inaugural lecture. pp. 43. 8°. caniiLe, 1935.
Card ID: 206
H [) RYLE (John Alfred). The Natural history of disease...Second edition. Lwith bibliographies.] (Oxford i1edjcai PubljcaUons.) pp. xiv. + 434. Tables and ch&rt. 8°. London, 1948. [Another copy.) -
Card ID: 208
DEPO8ITOR’ RYLE (John Alfred). Changing disciplines: lectures on the history, method and motives of social pathology. I.With a bib1iograhy.j (Oxford iedic Pjb1icatio.) pp. x. + (6) i- 122 ÷ (2). TabIend_charts. 0 o . Tzidoxi, 194o.
Card ID: 207