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RYCAUT Sir Paul a:as paul|k:is (paul) (6)



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    Author: RYCAUT (Sir Paul)


    e::cc RYCAUT (Sir Paul). See SACCHI (Bartholomaeus), de Platina. The Lives of the Popes, from the time of our Saviour Jesus Christ to the reign of Sixtus IV. Written originally in Latine...and translated into English, and the same history continued from the year 1471 to this present P. Rycaut. London, 1685.

    Card ID: 15

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    Author: RYCAUT (Sir Paul)


    C2&D) RYCAUT (Sir Paul). (The Pre5ent State of the Ottoman Empire. — Fren.j Histoire de l’état present de l’empire ottoman: contenant lee maximes politiq,ues des Tvrcs, lee principau.x points de la religion mahometane, see seotee, see hresies, & see diverses sortes de religieux; leur discipline militaire, avec une supputation exacte de forces par mer & par terre, & du revenu de l’état. Traduite de J.’anglois de Monsieur Ricaut...par Monsieur Briot. pp. (lL) + 382 + (2). Illustrations and tables. [8.R.) Paris, 1670. With a seconó, engraved, titlepae.

    Card ID: 14

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    Author: No Author available


    a (r.c.i) REYI’flOD Cc. .r.) Sir Paul Rycaut, a seventeenth—century observer of the Ottoman state: notes for a study. See SHAW (Ezel Mural). &iglish and continental views of the Ottoman Thipire, 1500-1800. Papers read at a Clark Library Scnthiar, January 2b, 1970, by Ezel Mural Shaw and. C.J. Heywood • With an introduction by G.E • von Grunebaum (me double veil: travelers’ views of the Ottoman Thpire, sixteenth through eighteenth centuries. I ‘J E .K. Shaw • Sir Paul Rycaut, a seventeenth-century observer of the Ottoman state: notes for a study. [By] C.J. Heywood.) Ins Angeles, 1972b

    Card ID: 593

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    Author: No Author available


    c (P.c.i) RYCMJT (Sir Paul). See $HAW (Ezel Icii.ral). ig1ish and continental views of the Ottonn Thipire, iCo-i8Oo. Papers read at a Clark Library Sertthiar, January 2, 1970, by Ezel O.ra1 Shaw and. C.J. iteywood. With an introduction by G.E • von Grunebaum. (The double veil: travelers’ views of the 0ttcrn Fnpire, sixteenth through eighteenth centur±es. [r] E.K. Shaw. Sir Paul Rycaut, a cventeenth—eentury observer of the Ottoin state: notes for a study. [ny] C.J. ileywood.) Los Aageles, 1972.

    Card ID: 16

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    Author: No Author available


    I’J 0. c RYCAUT (Sir Paul). The History of the Turks, beginning with the year 1679. being a full relation of the last troubles in Rungary. . .until the end of the year 1698, and 1699, in which the peace between the Turks, and the confederate Christian princes and states was happily concluded at the mediation of E{is Majesty of Great Britain, and the States General of the United Provinces, etc. pp. (8) + 607 + (s). Portraits. fol. London, 1700. This rorms Vol. sixth edition of R. Knolles’“The )enerall Historiiof the Turks.”

    Card ID: 11

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    Author: No Author available


    o (p.c.i) SHAW (Ezel Iara1). English and. cntinenta1 views of the Ottonn Enoire, 1500-1800. Papers read at a Clark Library Sezntnar, January 2L, 1970, by e1 Kural Shaw and C.J. Heyood • With an introduction by G.E • von Grunebaun. (The double veil: travelers? views of the Ottoimn iioire, sixteenth through eighteenth centuries. [ny] E.K. Shaw. Sir Paul Rycaut, a seventeenth—century observer of the Otton state: notes for a study. [ny-] c.J. Heywood.) pp. 66. Port. Los Angeles, 1972.

    Card ID: 43