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RUTHERFORD Mark a:white william hale|k:hale (william hale) (6)
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Author: RUTHERFORD (Mark)
j9 tfQ RUTHERFORD (Mark), pseud. [i.e. William Male WHITE.] The Autobiography of ldark Rutherford. Edited by his friend Reuben Shapcott. (Second edition.) pp. (4) + 256. 8°. London, L1913
Card ID: 340
RUTHERFORD (Mark), pud. Ci. e • William Hale WHITE.] Clara Hopgood. By Mark Rutherford. Edited by his friend R.Shapcott. pp. 29. 8. London, 1896.
Card ID: 342
- R97’E 91 RUTHERFORD (Mark), psev. [i.e. William Hale WHITE.] Last pages from a journal, with other papers... dited by his wife (D.V. Thite). pp. viii, 321. ntispief. 8°. London, 1915.
Card ID: 344
R974a But RUTHERFORD (Mark), pseud. [i.e. William Hale WHITE.) See BUCHMANN (Ursula dare). William Haic White (Mark Rutherford) and the problem of self—adjustment in a world of changing values, etc. [Thesis: University of Zurich.J Zurich, 1950.
Card ID: 350
RUTHERFORD (Mark), pseud. [i.e. William Hale WHITE.] LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, .] Elish AssocIation. Essays and studies, Vol. 5. pp. 51—74. The novels of gark Rutherford. By A.E. Taylor. Oxford, 1914.
Card ID: 351
YO Sto RUTHERFORD (Mark), eud. [i.e ,William Hale WHITE. 3 STONE (‘1i1fred). Religion and art of WilliamHale White (“Mark Rutherford”). Stanford and London, 195)÷.
Card ID: 352