
Search Term (count):

RUSSL Michael a:an michael|k:a (michael) (2)



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    Author: RUSSL (Michael)


    RUSSL (Michael), Bi’nop o.f te hiarvI& in GGjvj. Observations on the advantages of classical learning, compared with the studies which it has been proposed to substitute in its stead. Delivered at the lecture Lounded by the late Dr. Bell. ??. 56. 8°. inbug and iondon, 1836.

    Card ID: 481

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    Author: No Author available


    ..—. s-f (c ,., ‘_ •! RUSSL (Michael), Bishop of the $cotcla EiscoDal Qhchi.ilasgow and Galloway. View of’ the system of education at present pursued in the schools and universities of Scotland. With an appendix, containing communications relative to the University of Cambridge, School of Westminster, the Perth Academy, together with a more detailed account of the University of St. kidrews. pp. vi. + (2) + i68 + iv. 8°. jI1bugj,, 1813.

    Card ID: 482