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RUSSELL Rachel a:on sir john-|k:on (john) (2)



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    Author: RUSSELL (Rachel)


    RUSSELL (Rachel), Baroness Russell. Letters of Lady Rachel Russefl...To whicJ is prefixed an introduction, vindicating the character of Lord Russell against Sir John Dairymple, &c. The fifth edition, corrected and enlarged. To this edition is added... the trial of Lord William Russell, for high treason extracted from the State Trials, . [Edited by T. Seliwood.) pp. 237 + 7l4, 12g. Dublin, 1775. Imperfect; the last leaf is damaged wanting Dart of the text.

    Card ID: 497

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    Author: SELLWOOD (Thomas)


    & [piLJ SELLWOOD (Thomas). See RUSSELL (Rachel), Baroness Russell. Letters of Lady Rachel Russell...To which is prefixed an introduction, vindicating the character of Lord Russell against Sir John Dairymple, &c. The fifth edition...To this edition is addect...the trial of Lord William Russell, for high treason, etc. [Edited by T. Sellwood.1 Dublin, 177g.

    Card ID: 442