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RUSKIN John a:i i john|k:on (john) (57)



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    Author: RUSKIN (John)


    ‘L I CJkL Il RUSKIN (John). The Works of John RuskIn, . Vols. 1—11. Plates. 80. Keston, OryInton, 1871—SO. 1. Sesame and lIlIes. ThIrd edItIon. 1876. 2. Munera pulverIs. 1871. 3. Aratra Pente].jcj, 1872. I. The Eagles nest. 1872. 5. TIme and tIde. 1872. 6. The Crown of wIld olIve. 1873. 7 ArIadne FlorentIna. 1876. 8. Val d’Arno. 1874. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 7

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    Author: RUSKIN (John)


    RUSKIN (John). - [Letters .and Jc,urnaIs.J The Gulf of years: letters from John RuskIn to Kathleen Olander. Commentary by K.Prynne. EdIted and wIth a preface by R.UnwIn. (WIth a bIblIography of RuskIn’s works.,J pp. 95. PortraIts and I11ujatjons. 8°. London, 1953.

    Card ID: 23

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    Author: RUSKIN (John)


    I o Jt,y RUSKIN (John). ArIadne IlorcntIna...lectures on wood and etaI engravIng. WIth appendIx...Second edItIon. pp, vI. + 263. Plates. 0 8 . OrpIngton, 1891.

    Card ID: 28

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    Author: RUSKIN (John)


    It’ RUSKIN (John). The Art of England [CONTThUED] :— [Another copy of Lecture I.) pp.35. 8°. OrpIngton, 1883. WIth an autograph InscrIptIon by RuskIn on the tItle—page: ‘V.A. Froude. WIth John RuskIn’s love. 29th AprIl. 1883.” Boun4v:Ith a proof—copy of Lecture II. of The Pleasures of England, In a volume lettered: Art of England. The or±,Inal paper-cover Is bound In at the end of the volume. [SEE NEXT CMDJ.

    Card ID: 30

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    Author: RUSKIN (John)


    RUSKIN (John). [The BIble of AmIens.] See Infra: Our fathers have told us.

    Card ID: 32

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    Author: RUSKIN (John)


    •xIx) RUSKIN (John). BIblIotheca pastorum; edIted by J. RuskIn. ‘lola. 1,2 and 4 [No more publIshed). [L.I.] 8°. London & OrpIngton, 1876—85. 1, The EconomIst of Xenophon. A.D.O. Jedderburn and W.G. CollIngwood. WIth a preface by the EdItor. 1876. 2, Rock honeycomb: broken pIoces of SIr PhIlIp SIdney’s psalter...WIth a preface and commentary by the EdItor. Part 1.ENo mon publIshed]. 1877. 4, A KnIght’s faIth: passagea In the lIfe of SIr }Ierbert Edwardea. Collated by J. RuskIn. 1885. 3OLD?4jTj-jS IJRRY [Another copy of Vol. REFERENcE ON1 [GL] I7.’

    Card ID: 33

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    Author: RUSKIN (John)


    94 e 4315 j •‘ RUSKIN (John). DeucalIcrn: collected studIes of the lapse of waves, and lIfe of stones. Parts 1-7 In 2 vols. Plates. OrpIngton, 1879-80. Inconplete wantIng part 8, whIch wIth part 7 formed part of a second volume, but after whIch no more were publIshed. Vol. 1 Is bound. In the orIgInal purple ‘RuskIn calf’. FIrst supplement. The lImestone Alps of Savoy: a study In physIcal geology. By W. Gerahom CollIngwood. !Ith an IntroductIon by John TuskIn. pp.X41I1 206. Plates. OrpIngton, 1884.

    Card ID: 37

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    Author: RUSKIN (John)


    RUSKIN (John). The Elements o perspectIve arranged for the use of schools and Intended to be read In connectIon wIth the fIrst three books of EuclId. pp. (2) + xII. I 144. DIagraas. b . Lonaon, 189. [Another copy.] [De M.]

    Card ID: 41

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    Author: RUSKIN (John)


    RUSKIN (John). The EthIcs of the dust: ten lectures to lIttle housewIves on the elements of crystallIzatIon. pp. Ix. ÷ (2) + 244. [L.I.] 8°. London, 1867. —-—-a— Seventh edItIon. pp. xv. + (o) + 244. 8°. OrpIngton and London, 1892. [Another edItIon.] EdIted [wIth notes] by R.O.MorrIs. pp. 248. It’. Oxford, 1914.

    Card ID: 42

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    Author: RUSKIN (John)


    RUSKIN (John). Frondes agrestes: readIngs In ‘Modern paInters’. See Infra: Modern paInters.

    Card ID: 47

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    Author: RUSKIN (John)


    (‘4 g (L%rJ RUSKIN (John). GIotto and hIs worka In Padua; beIng an explanatory notIce of the serIes of woodcuts executed for the Arundel SocIety after the frescoes In the Arena Chapel. pp. 96 (Parts I—z). Plates. [L.I.J 8 (London), 1854. Incomplete. lJants Part 3.

    Card ID: 48

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    Author: RUSKIN (John)


    [Dt-LJ)-c [Tt&r:; RUSKIN (John). The Harbours of England, engraved by Thomas Lupton, from orIgInal drawIngs... by J.M.W.Turner. WIth IllustratIve text by J.RuskIn. pp. vII. + 5). [D.—L.L.] foL1 London, 1856, a” —[Another edItIon.] EdIted by T.J.WIse. pp. xxv. + 134. Plates and IllustratIons. IL.I.J 8 . OrpIngton and LQndon, 195.

    Card ID: 49