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RUN David a:an david|k:on (david) (3)
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RUN, David
MORRELL, Lady Ottoline
Author: RUN (David)
RUN (David). See LONGINUS (D.C.) IDe Sublimitate. — Greek and. Latin.] Dionysli Lonii quae Bupersunt... Acced.unt emend.ationes D.Ruhnkenii, etc. Oxford, 1778.
Card ID: 106
Author: ROBETSON (David)
run Bra ROBETSON (David), F.G.S. BRADY (George Stewardzon). A Monograph of the post-tertiary Entomostraca of Scotland, including species Iran Eng]and and Ireland, by G.S. Brady, LW. Crosskey and 0. Robertson. London, 187U.
Card ID: 419
Author: MORRELL (Lady Ottoline)
L9e MORRELL (Lady Ottoline). lady Ottoline’ a album: snapshots and. portraits of her famous catemporariea , thotogrephed for the most part by Lady Ottoline Morrell. Frai the collection of her dauiter Julian Vinoadoff. With an introduction by Lord David Cecil. Edited by Caro]yn 0. Heill>run. pp. vii, 117. London, 16.
Card ID: 99