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RUDBERG Hans a (hans) (2)



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    Author: RUDBERG (Hans)


    RUDBERG (Hans). The Compactification of a Lorentz space and some remarks on the foundation of the theory of conformal relativity. tThesis: University of Lund. 1ith bibliographical references.) pp. 24.. Diarp.. 8°. pvsala, 197.

    Card ID: 225

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    Author: No Author available


    TEXTE UND UNTERSTJCHUNGEN. Texte und Untersuchungen, etc. [ntinued. JPt — _________ 66. 3ASIL Sait, Archbishop of Csarea ir Cappadocia, called the Great. LHomili in Hexameron. -Latin. fEustathius: ancienne version latine des neuf Horn4lies su. 1’Hexadmron de Basile de Csare. Edition critique...par E.Amand de Mendie1à et S.Y. Rudberg. 1958. 67—68. LIETZMANN (Hans). Kielne Schriften. Vols., 1—2 Herausgegeben von K.Aland. 1958., LSEJ NEXT CAPD. J

    Card ID: 149