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RUBIN David a:an david|k:on (david) (2)



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    Author: RUBIN (David)


    4Lj RUBIN (David). The Relation of hormones to the development of Cowper’s and Bartholin’s glands in the opossum, Dideiphys virginiana. [With a bibliography.] A dissertation submitted to the...(University of Chicago) for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy...1914.3... Reprinted from Journal of Morphology, Vol. 714., No. 2, i’Larch, l9L41. pp. 213—285. Plates and tables. 8°. [chicago], 194i.. The plates are included in the pagination.

    Card ID: 83

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    CEAPL iXLL (NORTH CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance languages and literatures. [Continued.) ilk. PEX (Mario Andrew). [Appendix.] Studies in honor of Mario A.Pei. [By various authors.) Edited by John Fisier and Paul A.Caeng. 1972. 115. RANDOLPH (Donald Allen). Don Xanuel Cai’icte, cronistaCfc iiterario del romanticismo y del posromanticismo en0 Esoaa. 1972. ii6.ZDUIs IX., Kin of France, Saint. [Enseigneinents de Saint Louis.] The Teachings of Saint Louis: a critical text, by David O’Connell. 1972. xlM 117. RUBIN (David Lee). higher, hidden order: design and M;7. meaning in the c - erbe. 1972. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 137