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RTH Alexander a:t alexander|k:t (alexander) (2)
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RTH, Alexander
RTH, George Edwsrd and POTTS, William Alexander
Author: RTH (Alexander)
7iRTH (Alexander). The Year of Stalingrad: an historical record and a study o± Russian mentaUty, methods and policIes. pp. xviii. + L178. Ma. 8°. Loncon, l96. i1fl W01U S OT !N T LLL4U. read.r n.viinq o -.‘y the bbrir,n
Card ID: 454
Author: RTH (George Edwsrd) and POTTS (William Alexander)
DEP0T SHUTTLWoRTH (George Edwsrd) and POTTS (William Alexander). Mentally deficient children: their treatment and. training..Jifth edition. [With a bibliography.] pp. xviii. + 320. 8. London and PhiladeJphia, 1922.
Card ID: 532