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RS George a:villiers george|k:george (george) (3)
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RS, George
RS, Gerald George
Author: RS (George)
M\IJL VILLIhRS (George), 1st Duke of Buckibam. See GARDINER (Samuel Rawson). A History of England under the Duke of Buclcingham and Charles I. 1624—1628. London, 1875.
Card ID: 26
VILLtRS (George). 2ndDuice of I3uokingharn. See VI LLIEPS (0.), 1st Duke of Buodngzn. A Catalogue of the ourious collection of piotures...With the life of G. Villiers C2nd7 Duke of 3. Fairfax, etc. London 1758.
Card ID: 49
Author: RS (Gerald George)
cr (P4i) SOMiRS (Gerald George). labor recruitment in a depressed rural area [Reprinted] (from the Monthly Labor Review, October 1958). (print Series of the Industrial Relations Research CenterL University of .Visc.nsin, 58/6.) pp. 1113— 1120. Tables. 8°. [Washiigton, D.C., 1958:
Card ID: 188