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RRLL y Palmer (1)



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    Author: RRLL ()y Palmer)


    AtS TaY RRLL ()Y Palmer). See TAYLOI (Thomas), the Platonist. The Theoretic aritbme tic of the PYthagoreans (in three books, containing the substance of all that has been written on this subject bY’ Theo of SnYrna, Nicomachus, lamblichus, and Beetius, toetber with some remarkable particulars respecting perfect, amicable and other numbers...].ikewise, a specimen of the manner in hih the PYthegoreans philosophized about numbers)... [A reprint of the edition published in London, 1816.) IntroductorY essaY bY ManlY Hail. New York, 1972.

    Card ID: 300