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ROWSE, Alfred Leslie
Author: ROWSE (Alfred Leslie)
J7 Row ROWSE (Alfred Leslie). Discoveries and revIews from Renaissance to Restoration. [With special reference to Shakespeare.) pp.xi, 283. London, 1975.
Card ID: 564
L99e, C-HU ROWSE (Alfred Leslie). The ar1y Churchills: an English family. pp. xi. + il9. Portraits vlates, na and f1ded tab1e. — 8°. London, 1956.
Card ID: 565
vJ ROWSE (Alfred Leslie). The Ld of an epoch: reflections on contemporary history. pp. vii. + 323. 8°. London, 1948.
Card ID: 566
ROWSE (Alfred Leslie). The Later Churchil].s. pp. xv. + 527. 2ortraits jlates and genealogical table. 8. london, 1958.
Card ID: 568
JSegd3 Row ROWSE (Alfred Leslie). Oxford in the history of the nation. [The role of the university and the town. I pp.256. lilus. London, 1975.
Card ID: 570
ROWSE (Alfred Leslie). Poems, chiefly Cornish. pp. 78. 8°. Londor, 1944.
Card ID: 571
ROWSE (Alfred Leslie). West—country stories. pp. viii. ÷ 221. 80 Loridon 19)-i.5. [Another copy.]
Card ID: 575