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ROWS John a:be john|k:an (john) (6)



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    Author: ROWS (John)


    ROWS (John). Joannis Rossi...Historia regun Anglia. E codice MS. in Bibliotheca Bodlejana descripsit, notisque & indice adornavit T.Nearnius. Accedit Joannis Lelandi Antiquarii Nnia in mortem Renrici Duddelegi Equitis, . pp. xl. + 236. Folded P!. 0 8 . Oxfo, 1716. —Editio secunda. pp. xcxvi. + 236. Folded 8°. Oxfo, 1745. First edtioted to 60 cpIp subscribers.

    Card ID: 562

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    Author: FOGLE (French Rows)


    FOGLE (French Rows). See MILTON (J.) [Works.) The Works of John Mu-ton. New York, 1931—38. An Index to the Columbia edition of the works of John Milton. By F.A.Patterson, assisted by F.R.Fogle. New York, 1940.

    Card ID: 415

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    Author: ROUS (John)


    ROUS (John), of Warwjejcshjre. 2S Rows (s.)

    Card ID: 318

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    Author: D (John)


    *Cc [wa LELMiD (John), tiLe ALqar. See ROWS Cs) Joannis Rossi.. .Histria reguni Ang1i... Accedit Joannis Lelar.di Antiquarii Nriia in mortiu Henrici Dudde1eg Equitis, etc. Oxford, 1716. —Fitio secunda. Oxfo’4, 1745.

    Card ID: 592

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    Author: ROZ (Alfred Lejje)


    Bet ROZ (Alfred Lejje). See BJI2’AN (Sir John) and ROWS (Alfred Leslie). Victorian and Edwardian Cornwall from old photographs. London, 1974.

    Card ID: 576

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    Author: MASUS (Olaucuius)


    ; •1 PTOb&MASUS (Olaucuius), Theatrum geoqraphiae veteris (OONTINUD]:— ‘7 parts in 1 vol. Portfrczits’and maps. fol. Amsterdam, tais. This copy is comlcte and accords with the collation given by Bruost (Vol.4, p. 951, ‘5th editaon), who states that very few. ooyiea completely conform to hiU description. The engraved title—pages, a;s, and the portraits of Bertius and Mercator are hand—coloured in this copy. ‘L’he binding (which has been repaired at the edges) consists of brown calf, the sides ornamented with a narrrni border enclosing altornato rows of thistlcs and fleurs—de—lys, intersporsed with a small floral device, in gold tooling, and having. in:the centre of each side the heraldic book—stamp of Hcnry Pçederiak, Prince of Wales, the eldest son of James. I. The binding was probably executed by John and. Adat Bateman, who bound many books in a sibilar style for James I. This b’ook would seem to have bnlcngod to Ptince Charles, aflerwards Charles I., who; used his brother’s beak— stamp. at this period, Prince Henry Frederick having died in i812. It went to the British Uuseum, probably with the rest of the Old Royal Library in 19W7,was disposed of as a duplicate by the Sritsh 1Luneun authortties in 1804 and later passed’ into the Library of the London Institution. gJ nF{l1sh book—bindings in the British Hu’t

    Card ID: 553