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ROWE Nicholas a:if john|k:to (john) (3)
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ROWE, Nicholas
STONE, John Richard Nicholas
No Author available
Author: ROWE (Nicholas)
Malcolm Morley Collection — ROWE (Nicholas). [ The Tragedy of Lady Jane Grey.] Lady- Jane Grey: a tragedy in five acts. [1877?] DICKS (John). Dicks’ Stkdard Plays, 69.
Card ID: 343
Author: STONE (John Richard Nicholas)
Lr— ctJ STONE (John Richard Nicholas) and ROWE (D.A.) Aggregate conauniption and investment functions for the household sector considered in the light of British experience, etc. [with a bib1iograpbr.) pp. 32. Tables. Qwnbidg, 1956. CAMBRIDGE. University of Cambridge. Department Applied Economic8. Reprint series, 117.
Card ID: 474
Author: No Author available
Malcolm Morley / . — Collection ROWE (Nicholas). [The Tragedy of Jane Shore.] Jane Shore: a tragedy in five acts. [1?] DIGiS (John). Dicks’ Standard Plays, 24.
Card ID: 335