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ROWE John to (john) (23)



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    Author: ROWE (John)


    (,S -t% ROWE (John), Steward to Lord Berayenn. The B.ook. of John Rowe, steward of the manors of Lord Bergavenny, 1597—1622: comprising rentals of twenty—seven manors in Sussex, manorial customs and information concerning the borough of Lewes, etc. £Lewc, Cambridge printed, 1 1928. See LEWES. Sussex Record Soojet. 34.

    Card ID: 268

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    Author: ROWE (John)


    •- (tr ROWE (John), q. See SALLUSTIUS CRISPtJS (Calus). Caius Crispus Sailustius, the historian, made English. To which are prefix’d the life and character of the author and his works, by J. Rowe. .,London 1709. t IThT c. •c-(i. —T1ie second edition, revised and corrected throughout. London, 1715.

    Card ID: 267

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    Author: WORKMAN (John Rowe)


    J5 6 L WORKMAN (John Rowe). New horizons of higher education: innovation and experimentation at Brown University... Introduction by J.W.Gardner. pp. vi. ÷ 88. 8. Washington, 1959.

    Card ID: 361

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    Author: ROWE (John Wilkinson Foster)


    •7]) (f) ROWE (John Wilkinson Foster). The Physical volume of production. tlssued by the London and Cambridge Economic Service, in co—operation with the Harvard University Committee on Economic Research.) (Special Memorandum, 8.) pp. 31. Charts and tables. 40• London, 1924. Catalogued from the wrapper.

    Card ID: 271

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    Author: ROWE (Nicholas)


    Malcolm Morley Collection — ROWE (Nicholas). [ The Tragedy of Lady Jane Grey.] Lady- Jane Grey: a tragedy in five acts. [1877?] DICKS (John). Dicks’ Stkdard Plays, 69.

    Card ID: 343

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    Author: BAIDWOOD (Robert John) and ROWE (Bruce)


    £ 1J4 BAIDWOOD (Robert John) and ROWE (Bruce). Prehistoric investigations in Iraqi Kurdistan...ith contributions by H.Helbaek [and others], etc. (Third impression.) (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization, 31.) pp. xxviii, 184. Bibi., plates and naps. Chicago, 1972.

    Card ID: 261

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    Author: ROWE (Kenneth E,)


    FQD W3a Row ROWE (Kenneth E,) The Place of Wesler in the Christian tr8iitiOrL: essays delivered at Drew University in celebration of the camiencement of the publication of the Ocford edition of the Works of John We1r. [r various authors.] Edited by Kenneth E. RcMe. pp.iii, 165. Metuchen, N.J., igi6.

    Card ID: 277

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    Author: MORES (Edward Rowe)


    MU3 t%J1C MORES (Edward Rowe). The History and antiquitIes of Tunstall in i(ent...To which Are efixed, by the editor U. icho1s, Memoirs of Ar. Mores. (Appendix. Second appendix...being a Letter from Mr. Banister to the printer.) lLondQn., 1780-88.j See NICdOLS (John), F,$.L, printer. Bibliotheca topographica Britannica, Vol. I.

    Card ID: 232

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    Author: OIE (John)


    Yl D76a Row t’OIE (John), Dean of St. Pauls. [Appenix.] See ROWE (Frederick Arthur). I launch at Paradise: a consideration of John Ionne, poet and preacher. (The Fernley-Hartley Lecture, 196!4..) 80 London, 196L1.

    Card ID: 566

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    Author: BELL (John)


    YBL Bel Rcfcrcnco only BELL (John), Bookseller. Bell’s British theatre, etc. [Continued.) 3. The Earl of Essex, by Henry Jones. Tamerlane, by N. Rowe, Esq. The Hournin bride1 by W. Congrove, Esq. The fair penitent, by N. Rowe, Eq. Cato, by Joseph Addison, Esq. 1776. 4. The Wonder, by 1rs. Centlivre. Rule a wife and have a wife, by Beaumont and Fletcher. The Suspicious husband, by Dr. Hoadley. The Conscious lOVer5, by 5ir R. Steele. The Recruiting officer, by Mr. Iarquahr [sic]. 1776. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 137

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    Author: HOWE (David John)


    HOWE (David John). See LONDON. fin. London Record let. Pub1icatrons.j 5. London radicalism, 183018143: a selection from the papers of Francis Place. Edited by D.J. Rowe. London, 1970.

    Card ID: 251

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    Author: BL (John)


    YBL Bel - eference only BL (John), Bookseller. Bell’s British theatre, etc. [Continued.] 1. Zara, by Aaron Hill, Esq. Venice preserved, by Mr. T. Otway. Jane Shore, by N. Rowe, Eaq. Siege of Daiascua, by Mr. Hughes. Distressed nother, by Mr. A. Philips. 1776. 2 The Provok’d wife, by Sir J. Vanbrui. Every man in his humour, by Ben Jonson. The Beaux stratagem, by G. Farquhar, Esq. The Old batchelor, by W. Congreve, Esq. The Comriittee, by Sir. R. Itoward. 1777. [SES NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 136