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ROTH Herbert Otto a:an otto|k:an (otto) (5)
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ROTH, Herbert Otto
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Author: ROTH (Herbert Otto)
bEPOS1T0’ ROTH (Herbert Otto). George Hogb.en: a biography. [With a bib].iograply ó1 Hogben’s works.J (Educajona1 Research Series, 33.) pp. 162. ?ortraits. 8°.[Ciiristchuh, 1952.
Card ID: 345
Author: No Author available
[s) o16 (p.c12.) ROTH (Herbert Otto). Pacifism in New Zealand: a bibliography. (University of Auckland Library. Bibliographical Bulletin, 3.) pp. 10. 8°. Auckland, 1966.
Card ID: 347
Periodicals Room Reference Shelves. ROTH (Herbert otto). South Pacific government serials: a select list. (Univeraity of Auckland Library, Biblioaphica1 Bulletin, Z.) pp. 21. 80. Auckland, 1967. [Revised edition.] (Auckland University Library. Bib1ioica1 Bulletin, 9.) pp. 31. Auckl&nd, 1973.
Card ID: 348
AUCKLAND. UnIversity of Auck2:1. Bulletin. [Continued.] [5jo?I .7A (,.‘• 71. ROTH (Herbert Otto). Labour legis1a’ion in / New Zealand: a bibliography. 1961,. ‘1HCC4S! 72. JACKSON (Mac!).P.) Shakespeare’s A Lover’s conplatht: its date and authenticIty. 1965. id.c’) 73. BIAIIa.OCK (Edward II..) Cicero on old age.4( 1966.
Card ID: 338
AUCKLAND. University of Auckland. Library. Bib1ioraphical bulletin. [Continued.] 8. DUREY (Peter). Reader services in university libraries in New Zealand. [Byarioua authors.] Edited by P. Durey. 1973. 9. ROTh (Herbert Otto). South Pacific government serials: a select list. [Revised edition.] 1973. [Other entries will be found in the New Catalogue, available from Summer 1980.]
Card ID: 343