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ROSS Sir Edward Denison a:e or|k:on (e) (8)
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ROSS, Sir Edward Denison
Author: ROSS (Sir Edward Denison)
ROSS (Sir Edward Denison). Marco Polo and his book, London, [1934). §. LONDON. LIII. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, iish Academy for the Promotion of Historical, Philosaphical and Ph1o1ogica1 Studies. Annual Italian Lecture of the British Academy. 1954.
Card ID: 299
ROSS (Sir Edward Denison),,. The Persians. [With a bibliography.] pp. 142. Plates and folded map. 8°. Oxford,’ 1931.
Card ID: 300
iL i2 5)7 OL ROSS (Sir Edward Denison), (The Treasure house of eastern story.) [Continued.] 4. The history of Hayy Ibn Yaqzan. By Abu Bakr Ibn Tufail. Translated from the Arabic by S.Ockley. Revised, with an introduction [and a bibliography], by A.S.Pulton. [With a frontispiece by O.Kent.] 1929. 5. Ta’es of mystic meaning: being selections from the MathnawI of Ja1l-ud-Dfn Rãmi. Translated, with an introduction, by R.A.Nicholson. With a frontispiece by C.Kent. 1931. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 305
ROSS (Sir Edward Denison). See BLOCHET (E.) Musulman painting3 XIIth —XVIIth century...Vath an introduction by Sir E. D. Ross, etc. London, 1929.
Card ID: 309
ROSS (Sir Edward Denison). See LOCKFLART (L.) Nadir Shah: a critical study based mainly upon contemporary sources... With a foreword by Sir E. D. Ross. London, 1938.
Card ID: 314
f•_) ROSS (Sir Edward Denison). LONDON. [III.] Royal Historical Society. Camden series. 52. Camden miscellany, i6. (Discours ci’ the Turkes. By Sr.Thoraas - Sherley. E.D.Ross.) London, 1936.
Card ID: 315
Sd’ /‘st-’cj) ( Sn ROSS (Sir Edward Denison). 92i.. See SOMADEVA BHATTA. The Ocean of story, etc (Vol. V. With a foreword by E.D. Ross.) London, privately printed, l92L—28.
Card ID: 318
ROSS (Sir Edward Denison). See STODART CR.) The Journal of Robert Stodart... Published from the unique rranuscr1pt preserved in the Bodleian Library, with introduction and notes by Sir E.D. ROBS. London, 1935.
Card ID: 319