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ROSS Mary Adelaide Eden a:john john|k:to (john) (3)
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ROSS, Mary Adelaide Eden
POYIS, Men and PBIILPOTTS, afterwards ROSS, Mary Adelaide Eden
Author: ROSS (Mary Adelaide Eden)
Yo P57I PHILLPOTTS, afterwards ROSS (Mary Adelaide Eden). Tomek the sculptor. pp. 382. London, 1927.
Card ID: 170
YP P852F 971 PHI LLPcYrTS, after’jards ROSS (Mary Adelaide Eden). See POWYS (John Cowper). Letters to Nicholas Ross. Selected by Nicholas and Adelaide BOBS. Edited by Arthur Uphill, pp. 176. London, 1971.
Card ID: 174
Author: POYIS (Men) and PBIILPOTTS, afterwards ROSS (Mary Adelaide Eden)
p7(71 P3{fliPOYIS (Men) and PBIILPOTTS, afterwards ROSS (Mary Adelaide Eden). Yellow sands: a comedy in three acts...Acting version of the play as produced. frV*t the Theatre Royal, Hayrnarket...on Wednesday, November 3rd, 1926... Mitlon.. .specally prepared for presentation... at the Anniversary pcrfonnnce on Thursday, November 3rd, 1927, eta. pp. 128. Portrait end plates. 8°. London, [1927].
Card ID: 154