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ROSS, David John Athole
BATELY, Janet Margaret and ROSS, David John Athole
Author: ROSS (David John Athole)
ROSS (David John Athole), [For individual articles by this author on palaeograpby and illumination see the card catalogue in the Palaeograpby Room.]
Card ID: 273
ROSS (David John Athole). Allegory and romance on a mediva1 French rnarrige casket. (Reprinted from the Journal of the Viarburg and Courtauld Institutes, Vol. 11, 1948). pp. 112—142. plates. 40 [Worcester and London printed, 1943]. Catalogued or the caption.
Card ID: 277
ROSS (David John Athole). The P].ce of Oston Paris in 1oiance studies. [With e bib1ogrephy. Typewritten thesis subnitted for the degree of MJ of the University of London in 1937.) (5) + 278 leaves. 40 1937.
Card ID: 281
-• ROSS (David John Athole). - Some notes on the Old French Alexander Romance in prose. [Offprinted from French Studies. Vol. VI. No. 2. April, 1952.] pp. 135—147. 8°. [Oxford, 1952.3
Card ID: 282
F ‘ct? ROSS (David John Athole). See EUSTACHE, Author of the “Roman du Fuerre de Gadres’.’ A New manuscript (with the text] of the Latin “Puerre cle Gadres” and the text of “Roman d’Alexandr&’ [of Alêxandre de Paris] branch II. By D.J.A. Ross. [London], 1939.
Card ID: 284
ROSS (David John Athole). See LEO, Archipresbyter of Constantinople. A New manuscript of Archpriest Leo of Naples: Nativitas et victoria Alexand4 Magnia [Edited, with an introduction,J by D.J.A.Ros. Copenhagen, 1959.
Card ID: 286
Author: BATELY (Janet Margaret) and ROSS (David John Athole)
BATELY (Janet Margaret) and ROSS (David John Athole). A Check list of manuscripts of Orosius’ Historiarum advez?sum pagiimslibri septem. LOffprint from Scriptoriurn, V, 2.] pp. 329—334. 4°. CBru.ssels, 1961). Catalogued from the caption.
Card ID: 419