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ROSS David John Athole a:is alexander john|k:in (alexander) (3)
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ROSS, David John Athole
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Author: ROSS (David John Athole)
-• ROSS (David John Athole). - Some notes on the Old French Alexander Romance in prose. [Offprinted from French Studies. Vol. VI. No. 2. April, 1952.] pp. 135—147. 8°. [Oxford, 1952.3
Card ID: 282
Author: No Author available
C a.7 1tr6c.,_iW_ 1..)• Alexander, the Great, King of Macedon. [Appendix. Miscellaneous.] See ROSS (David John Athole). Alexander historiatus: a guide to medieval illustrated Alexander literature. London, I963.
Card ID: 300
ENGLAND. Miscellaneous Subhea4inga. Modern Humanities Research kssociatIon - - Publications o the Modern Humanities Research Association. [New Series.] [Continued.] 3. ROSS (David John Athole). illustrated medieval 1fr&-t r.Zj Alexander-books in Germany and the Netherlands: a study in comparative iconography. 1971. 4. WE]VERS (Theodoor). [Appendix.] European context: studios in the history and literature of the Netherlands presented to Thoodoor Weevers. [By various authors.] Edited by P.K. King and P.F. Vincent. 1971. 5. C1IAUNDLSR (Thomas). Liber apologeticus de omni yE statu humanae naturae. A defence of human (. nature in every state. c.1460. Amoral play... Edited from manuscript with English translation, introduction, an LOtes by D.E.-C.Shc,uJ.j1 1974. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 672