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ROSE, Valentin
Author: ROSE (Valentin)
ROSE (Valentin), Librarian of the Royal Library, Berlin. Aneodota greca et grtecolatina. Mitteilungen aus Handsehriften zur Geechichte der griechischen Wissenechaft. (Naohdruck der Ausgabe Berlin 1864—1870.) 2 vols. in 1. Plates. 8°. Amsterdam, 1963.
Card ID: 260
* ROSE (Valentin), Librarian o the Royal Library, • Berlin. De Aristotelis librorum ordine et. auc±,ritate commentatio. pp. (2) +260, 80. Berlin, 184. fd Cj [Another copy.] [G. G.)
Card ID: 262
FL ROSE (Valentin), Librarian of the Royal Librav, Berlin. See ARISTOTLE. (Works. — Oreek and Latin.] Aristotelis Opera. Edidit Academia Regia Borussica. Vol. 5. Aristotelis qui. ferebantur librorum fragmenta collegit V.Rose. Berlin, 1870.
Card ID: 264
ROSE (Valentin), Ubarian of the Royal Iibary, Berlin. p CASSIUS, ‘elix. Cassii Felici5 De medicina cx Graecis logicae sectae auctorbus liber translatus sub Artabure et Calepio consulibus anno 447. Nunc primum editus a V.Rose. LeiDzig 1879.
Card ID: 266