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ROSE John Holland a:rose alexander|k:in (alexander) (10)



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    Author: ROSE (John Holland)


    Pg1c ROSE (John Holland). A Century of Continental history, 1 780.-i 880. liith a supplement descriptive of events up to the year 1900...Fifth edition, revised and corrected throughout. pp. xii. + 481, Plans, enealoica1 tables and folded maps. • 8 . London, 1906.

    Card ID: 208

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    Author: ROSE (John Holland)


    F S C ROSE (John Holland). Chivalry and the sea. See LONDON. [III. Liiscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.) Royal Society of Literature. Transactions, etc. (New series.) Essays by divers hands, etc. Vol. LI.. pp. 33—53. London, 1924.

    Card ID: 209

  • card

    Author: ROSE (John Holland)


    Me’,’ ROSE (John Holland). The Development of the European nations, 1870—1900. pp. xv. ÷ 619. Maps. 8. London, 1905. —Fourth edition, with a new preface. pp. xvii. + 619. Maps. 8°. London, 1914. —Fifth edition (1870—1914), with a new preface and three supplementary chapters. pp. xix. + 660. Maps. . London, 1915. :CSEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 210

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    Author: ROSE (John Holland)


    borro ROSE (John Holland). German misrepresentations. (Reprinted from the Saturday Review.) pp. 19. London, [1916.]

    Card ID: 212

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    Author: ROSE (John Holland)


    EroATa!i ROSE (John Holland). Man and the sea: stages in maritime and human progress, pp. xi, + 288. Portraits plates, illustrations, rnaps and tablese 8° Cambridge, 1935.

    Card ID: 215

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    Author: ROSE (John Holland)


    MPJ3 ROSE (John Holland). Napoleon. [With a bib1ioaphy.] (BennTs Sixpennyibrary, Io.81.) . eo. - 16g. London, [1929.]

    Card ID: 217

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    Author: ROSE (John Holland)


    (, MUG ROSE (John Holland). Select despatches from the British Foreign Office archives relating to the formation of the Third Coalition against France, 1804—1805. J.H.Rose. ondon, 1904. See LONDON. [III.] Royal Historia Society. Camden series, 7.

    Card ID: 220

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    Author: ROSE (John Holland)


    MFZ Har ROSE (John Holland). See HARDMM (Willien), of Valetta. A History of Malta during the period, of the French end British occupations, 1798-1815... Edited with introduction and notes by J.H.Rose 80 London, 1909.

    Card ID: 222

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    Author: ROSE (John Holland)


    L Lq F • ROSE (John Holland). IRJLLY (Patricia N.) The Writings of John Holland Rose. A bibliography, etc. 1955.

    Card ID: 223

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    Author: ROSE (John Holland)


    ROSE (John Holland) and BRO.ADLEY (Alexander Mic) Dumouriez and the deenoe of England. against Napoleon. . I1bistrate&withnumerous portraits, maps and facsimiles U and a bibliography]. pp. xxvi. + 525. 8°. orido., 1909.

    Card ID: 225