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ROSE Herbert Jennings a:p •|k:p (will) (7)
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ROSE, Herbert Jennings
ROSE, herbert Jennings
Author: ROSE (Herbert Jennings)
‘: )ct ROSE (Herbert Jennings). Modern methods in classical mythology. Three lectures delivered at University Eor rather, King’s] .Oo11ege, London, in B’ebruary 1930. pp. 50. 80. St. .A.ndrews, 1930.
Card ID: 181
I 1r - i ROSE (Herbert Jennings). Primitive culture in Italy. [With a bibliography,] pp. ix. + 253,. 8. London, [1928.] I
Card ID: 183
os ROSE (Herbert Jennings). Some problems of classical religion. The Eitreiu Lectures, delivered at the University of Oslo, March 1955. [1ith bibliographical notes.] (Bitrem—Forelesninger, 1.) pp. 53. 8. Oslo, 1958.
Card ID: 185
DEPOS’0 ROSE (Herbert Jennings). ARGENTES (Philippos P.) d ROSE (Herbert J.). The Folk—lore of Chios. cbridge, 1949.
Card ID: 186
Author: ROSE (herbert Jennings)
iL ROSE (Herbert Jennings). HYGINUS (Caiu Julius). Hvglni. Fabulae. Recensuit, prolegomenis commentario appendice instruxit H.!. Rose. Leyen, [19 reprintec 1960). Editio altera imm.itata. Leyden, 1963.
Card ID: 188
ROSE (Herbert Jennings). See NONNUS, of Panopolis. connus. Dionysiaca. WIth... mythological Introduction and notes by H.J.Rose, London and Cambridge [Mass.]1 l9L1O.
Card ID: 189
ROSE (Herbert Jennings). See PETTAZZONI (Raffaele) The All-knowing God: researches into early religion and culture... Authorised translation by H. 3. Rose. London, 1956.
Card ID: 190