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ROPES James Hardy a:p •|k:p (will) (4)
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ROPES, James Hardy
Author: ROPES (James Hardy)
-PriO P ROPES (James Hardy). The Singula’probiem of the Epistle to tie an extra nur2ber of the Harvard Theological Review. (Harvard Theojogieal Studies, 14.) pp. 4&. 8°. Caobridge [Uass.]’. and London, 1929.
Card ID: 483
ROPES (James Hardy). The Synoptic Gospe1s pp. vi. + 117. 8. Cambridge, Mass., 193L. 3 :‘‘° Fi Second imressiOfl, with new preface thy D.E.NineharnJ. pp. ix. + 117. 8°. London, 1960.
Card ID: 484
P4N 11 920 ROPES (James Hardy). See BIT3LE. Acts. CPolyglott.] The Acts of the Apostles. Idited by F.J.Foakea Jackson and Kirsopp Lake. ‘Jol. 3. The text of Acts. By J.H.Ropes. 8°. London, 1926.
Card ID: 485
ROPES (James Hardy). CA1BRIDGE (MASSACHUSETTS). rd Universjty. Harvard theological studies. Edited for the Faculty of Divinity (Theology) in Harvard University by G.F.Moore, J.H. Ropes, K.Lke, mbridg1 aid don, 1917, e’tc.
Card ID: 486