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ROOSEVELT Theodore a:p •t|k:p (will) (23)



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    Author: ROOSEVELT (Theodore)


    NHL ROO ROOSEVELT (Theodore), President of the United States of America. The Works of Theodore Roosevelt. National edition. (Hermazui Hagedorn, editor.) [With an index.] 20 vole. New York, 1926—2’?. 1. Iunting trips of a ranchrnan. Ranch life and the hunting trail. 1927. 2. The Wilderness hunter. Outdoor pastimes of an American hunter. I. 1926. 3. Outdoor pastimes of an American hunter. II. A book— lover’s holidays in the open. 1926. 4. African game trails: an account of the African wanderings of an American hunter—naturalist. 1926. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 348

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    Author: ROOSEVELT (Theodore)


    NRT ROD ROOSEVELT (Theodore), President of the United States of America. The Works of Theodore Roosevelt, etc. (Continued.) 5. Through the Brazilian wilderness and Papers on natural history. 1926. 6. The Naval War of 1812: the history of the United States Navy during the last war with Great Britain to which is appended an account of the Battle of New Orleans. 1926. 7. Thomas Hart Benton. GOuverneur Morris. 1926. 8—9. The Winning of the West: an account of the exploration and settlement of our country from the Alleghanies to the Pacific. 2 vol.a. 1926. 10. Hero tales from American history, by Henry Cabot Lodge tand) Theodore Roosevelt. Oliver Cromwell. New York. 1926. (SEE NSXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 349

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    Author: ROOSEVELT (Theodore)


    NHL RO0 ROOSEVELT (Theodore), President of the United States of America. The Works of Theodore Roosevelt, etc. [Continued.] 11. The Rough riders and Nen of action. 1926. 12. Literary essays. 1926. 13. American ideals. The strenuous life. Realizable ideals. 192 14. Campaigns and controversies. 1926. 15. State papers as Governor and President, 1899—1909. 1926. 16. American problems. 1926. 17. Social justice and popular rule: essays, addresses, and public statements relatin& to the Progressive movement 1910—1916.. 1926. i8. America and the World War. Fear God and take your own part. 1926. (SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 350

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    Author: ROOSEVELT (Theodore)


    NHL ROO ROOSEVELT (Theodore), Prsident of the United States of Atnerica. The Works of Theodore Roosevelt, etc. [Continued.] 19. The Foes of our own household. The great adventure. Letters to his children. 1926. 20. An autobiography. 1926.

    Card ID: 351

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    Author: ROOSEVELT (Theodore)


    CJ3 t’f-L (OO ROOSEVELT (Theodore), President ofthe United States of I&merica. fletters.T -. Theodore. Roosevelt! 8:. Letters to his children. Edited byJ.B.Bishop. pp. x. + 240. nti— piece. 8°. Iw york, 1919. —1 P . — LA reprint.] pp. x. + 21,0. Frontispiece. /Z...oO Flew York, 194?.

    Card ID: 352

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    Author: ROOSEVELT (Theodore)


    1 NI-IL ROOSEVELT (Theodore), President of the United States of America. The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt. Selected and edited by E.E.Morison, J.M.Blurn [and others], 8 vols. Portraits, plates, facsiniles and folded tables. 8°. Carnbride. Mass., 195i—5. 1. The years of preparation, 1868-1898. 2. The years of preparation, 1898—1900. 3. The square deal, 1901—1903. 4. The square deal, 1903—1905. . The big stick, 1905—1907. 5. The big stick, 1907—1909. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 354

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    Author: ROOSEVELT (Theodore)


    ‘3 ) ROOSEVELT (Theodore), Piesident of the United States of America. The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt, [Continued.] 7. The Days of Armageddon, 1909—1914. 3. The Days of Armageddon, 1914—1919.

    Card ID: 355

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    Author: ROOSEVELT (Theodore)


    ‘Ia) Z2f7 ROOSEVELT (Theodore), Pre8ldent of the United States ±Ainerica. Oliver Orornwell...Illuatrated. pp. xi. + 260. 8°. Westminster, 1900.

    Card ID: 358

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    Author: ROOSEVELT (Theodore)


    Music Library Music Library For reference only ROOSEVELT (Theodore), President of the United States of America. [‘.-‘rarnophone Necords.] The Liberty of the people. RCA Victor. PS 1—1. PA 100 A. See CAVAlCADE OF UNITED STATES PRE$IDiJlTS. Cavalcade of United States Presidents, 1901- 1940. Part 1.

    Card ID: 359

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    Author: ROOSEVELT (Theodore)


    ROOSEVELT (Theodore), President of the United States of America. See BAKER (R.C.) The Tariff under Roosevelt and Taft, HastinsNbraska, printed, 1941.

    Card ID: 361

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    Author: ROOSEVELT (Theodore)


    ROOSEVELT (Theodore), Psidnt o the Unit.j tpte. BEGK(J. M.) The Waa’ and huiuanity: a £tzrt.her discus$ion of the et.bios of the World Wa.r and the 3ttitude and duty of the United States a With a foreword by P. Roosevelt. New Yor 1917.

    Card ID: 362

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    Author: ROOSEVELT (Theodore)


    11HL Soc F- ROOSEVELT (Theodore), ?residnt of the United States of Anierioa. FOULXE (VI. D.) RoOsevelt and the Spolismen. New York, E 1925.)

    Card ID: 366