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ROLLE Richard a:e |k:on (e) (7)
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ROLLE, Richard
Author: ROLLE (Richard )
pm? R7’5L 0 ROLLE (Richard ) , of Hamoole . Incendiuni Arnoris - g1ish.J The Fire of love . . .PransJ.ated Into nodern g1Ish with an troduction by C. Wolters. (The Penguin Classics.) pp • 19. 1irtnondsworth, 1972.
Card ID: 119
Author: ROLLE (Richard)
ROLLE (Richard), f Hamvole. C 7 The Melos amoris of Richard Rolle of Hampole. Edited by E.J.F.Arnould. pp. lxxxvi. + 2kli.. Facsjnti1. 0 8 . Qiord, 1957.
Card ID: 124
R75W 968 ROLLE (Richard), of wiole . [Tratatus super Apocalypeim. - Latin and French. I Richard Rolle e :o1e, l3OO-13i9, vie et oeuvres et edition critique, traduite et conimentoc, du Tractatus super Apocalypsim... r N.Marzac. EThosis: University oI Paris.] pp. 211. Bibi. eml acsims. Paris, 1968.
Card ID: 127
4 ROLLE (Richard) of Hamoie. & 8I3LE. Psalms. [Latin and pg1ish.] The Psalter; o, Psalms of David, and certain cantioles. WThh trens1ation aiid exposition by Riohrd Rolle of !!ampole, , Offor, 184.
Card ID: 130
YAZ’1 E 1”l ROLLE (Richard), of Hampole, Un s& LINDHEIM .(Bogislav von). Studien zur Sprache des Nanuskriptes Cotton Galba E IX. , enthaltend elrie Darstellung der Sprache des. ersten und ffnften Schreibers des genannten Manuskriptes bzw. der Texte Ywain and Gawain, The Seven sages of fiome, The Pricke of conscience. Vienna and Leipzig, 1937.
Card ID: 135
it,- ROLLE (Richard), of Harnpe. • • . LONDON. [Ifl.] EnJ.ish Association. Essays and studies, 1956, (Three Middle English mystics. By R.M.Wi].s on. ) London, 1956.
Card ID: 136
I uSc Sc ROLLE (Richard), of Harno1e. MORSBACH (Lorenz). Studien zur englischen Philologie, etc. 76. OIMES (Antonie). Sprache und Stil der engiischefl Mystik dee Mittelalters, water besonderer Bertcksichtigung dee Richard Rolle von Harnpole. Ha11e—on-the—Sa1e, 1933.
Card ID: 137