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ROGERS Walter Thomas a:thomas walter|k:an (walter) (2)
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ROGERS, Walter Thomas
Author: ROGERS (Walter Thomas)
ROGERS (Walter Thomas). A Ianual of bibliography; being an introduction to the knowledge of books, librar management, and the art of cataloguong...With...illus-. trations and a coloured frontispiece. [ith -:biblography and a glossary of terms.] pp.viii.÷ 1’/2. [L.I.] 8. London, 1891.
Card ID: 194
ROGERS (Walter Thomas). A Meaiu.l of bibliography; being an introduction to the 1aow1edge of boo1e. library management, and the art of oatsloguong..,Witb...illustrations and a coloured frontispiece. [Vith: , bibliography and a glossary of terms.] pp.viii.+ 172. [L.I.] 80. London, 1891.
Card ID: 330